Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cool, Calm, and Exhausted

Since I spent an entire post whining about heat, I figured I'd chime in and say it's in the 50s and deliciously cool and rainy right now. I'm wearing a sweatshirt and jeans! Woohoo! Now if it would just stay like this until I leave...
One thing that is clarified by this cool spell we're having, though, is that my fatigue is not purely heat and dehydration related. I am drowsy pretty much all the time these days. I don't know if it's because my sleeping patterns are choppy and shallow and my dreams are vivid or if it's from increasing weight gain or hormones, but I'd say I run at 75% energy at best these days. The most awake I've felt in a while is when Steve and I decided to watch Daybreakers, a suspenseful and gorey vampire flick, last night, and then I was quite alert, until the adrenalin wore off after which I crashed pretty quickly. I'm feeling lucky, though, that the onset of this final-trimester-fatigue occurred after I got done with my school work; dredging up information from my brain right now is an effort!