Sunday, August 22, 2010


Well, we got the okay to head to the hospital, got all signed in and hooked up to the monitors, and got ready for the big event -- only to discover that I hadn't dilated. At all. Not even a little bit since the 1.5cm last noted on Wednesday. They gave me the option to walk around for an hour and check again, which I did -- nothing.
I can't convey how incredibly frustrating it is to go through some seriously painful contractions -- not the worst I'll feel, but still, much more than a nuisance -- for hours on end, with maybe 3 hours of sleep last night, only to find out that they were literally doing nothing but causing me pain.
So after around four hours at the hospital, we were discharged with instructions to call if the contractions got much stronger, much shorter in interval, or if my water broke or other unequivocal symptoms happened. Also to hydrate as much as possible. We've been home for probably an hour and I've had maybe two contractions since then.
It's looking like we might be checking in on Wednesday night for that induction after all, although the discharge nurse was sweet and said she was sure we'd back sooner than that, that a woman next door was sent home at 1cm and had just come back 4-5cms. How nice for her!
So to anyone who was holding their breath after the latest two entries, sorry, but it's time to breathe again. I'll probably be a bit more cautious about updating until we have concrete evidence that this kid is actually planning on showing up.