2 months and great developments
First, look at this photo and tell me you can actually resist the urge to laugh:Why yes, I did carve a pumpkin with the face of a crying baby -- it is the most horrifying thing I could think of and I did happen to know what Marian's Halloween costume would be!
Second, the stuffing in the costume aside, that is an 11lb2oz baby in that there pumpkin, and it is true that 11lbs is the magic number -- for the last 4 nights Marian has slept between 7-9 hours, awaking to two very happy parents. Her dad has the magic touch for getting her to sleep so long, so he puts her to bed every night and we alternate who will get up with her. She's also starting to eat more in a sitting, bumping up from 4oz to 6oz of formula or so. She continues to be so very active -- trying to climb, crawl and fly at times.
She also continues to get cuter and cuter:
she smiles readily, easily, and without coaxing, and if you rub her belly and smile at her you're almost guaranteed to get one back. She's started to recognize voices and faces and has learned to turn her head toward them, thus leading to a heart-melting scenario of her turning to look at you, taking a moment to register your face, and then bursting into a happy smile. It's impossible not to smile back. The other day she squealed from happiness for the first time too, and I'm looking so forward to hearing her first laugh. In the meantime she regales us with coos, squeaks, grunts, shrieks and ahs.
We have switched her to cloth diapers during the day and so far they are working out really well. We had a couple leaks the first few times we used them but learned to button the legs a little tighter and haven't had a problem since. It feels very gratifying to be saving the money and the landfill space by using "Fuzzibunz," and since they have multiple snaps they're easy to use and will grow with her right up through potty training.
Life with Marian continues to fly by, and each week seems to bring new excitement and new achievements...stay tuned!
Yay! I love hearing about my newest cousin, and that Jack o'lantern is hilarious! :-) Lots of love to all three! xoxo
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