Wednesday, May 4, 2011

8 months and catapulting through new developments

1. She's finally crawling hand over hand.
2. She's been pulling herself up to reach tables and chairs for weeks now -- almost a month earlier than most babies.
3. She's gained enough balance that she's now "cruising" around those objects.
4. She's practicing syllables: first "babababa" then "dadada" now "mamama."
5. She waves when she sees something or someone she likes, though she faces her hand in towards herself.
6. She easily picks cheerios and the like up between finger and thumb and has learned to chew and swallow.

We're convinced she'll be an early walker (though we've always been convinced of that).

She still only has the two teeth on the bottom, so she's taking her time with that! She has yet to meet a food she does not like.
She has now experienced her first beach (and thus her first mouthful of sand) and her first interaction with grass (and thus her first mouthful of grass).Try and keep up with her! (We do that every day!)