Saturday, January 16, 2010

Euphimisms abound!

Let's catch everyone up to the present, shall we?
2009: S. and I talk about when we're ready to start 'trying.' We also try not to repeatedly stutter about how old we're starting to feel, and how old we're going to be as parents, and oh, the aging!
September 2009: 'Trying' leads to 'doing.'
October 2009: 'Doing' turns out to be just 'trying.'
November 2009: 'Trying' again leads to 'doing' which turns into 'achieving,' unbeknownst to us.
At this point, I leave for a few days in Williamsburg for Thanksgiving, pretty sure that nothing's been 'achieved.' On the flight back I catch a nasty bug -- the flu or just some upper respiratory disaster.
I spend the next full week with a fever of 101 and a steadily worsening cough, and two doctors visits later, a prescription for azithromycin and cough syrup with hydrocodone. During the second doctor's visit I have the presence of mind to warn them that I might be pregnant, so we do a urine and a blood test with negative results.
December 2009: I go back to my internship the next week, still coughing (that cough would last for almost a month) and easily fatigued but determined to get in my hours. I spend the week in a well-intentioned haze of hydrocodone and social work. During the week, I notice that 'something' is missing, but think the flu and the work might just be making me late. When 'something' is still missing by the end of the week, I take an at home pregnancy test. I'm confident that taking this test will confirm the negative results I already got a week ago, and that my mind-body connection will kick in and 'something' will know to show up.
Friday, December 11th, 2009: I blink, and blink again. Which one is the control window? They both have lines in them! Wait...
...I won't lie, my first response was a series of f-bombs, because I had just taken those flu medicines. I run upstairs to my laptop, google them both, and note that they're both relatively cleared for pregnant women. Then I sit quietly in shock. Then I think about how to tell S., who will be home from work shortly.
...cleverness fails me. I take the positive test and put it front and center in the fridge. When S. gets home, I tell him I have a surprise for him in the fridge. (BRILLIANT!! No? No.) To my satisfaction, his eyes scan the fridge for a full 60 seconds (looking for Scotch, or cake, or something) and then finally he spots it.
Protestations, salutations, and celebrations ensue.
We learn from the book we use that the full 40 weeks of a pregnancy are counted to include the two weeks before conception (i.e. from the date of the last period) since most people don't know exactly when they conceived. By that measure, I am a little over 4 weeks along.
Monday December 14, 2009: I go back to the health center, and the urine and blood tests both show up positive. The same doctor who was there for the first tests comes in to the patient room wide-eyed and worried, until she realizes that I am, in fact, happy, and that this was intentional. She gives me a referral to a great OBGYN office and I go on my merry way.