Sunday, April 4, 2010

Latest bump photo plus gender gossip

This photo was taken at the Bushiribana ruins in Aruba, and you need to be ready for it, because it is pure, undiluted, unabridged BUMP:

For those of you who take your bump neat.
Also, as far as everyone who decided to share an opinion was concerned, this baby is a boy.
It all started with my mom, Nancy, in February: "If by the second trimester you can still get your pants up over your butt and button them, it's a boy." (21 weeks in and I am still able to wear my jeans, though they are a little pinchy-pinchy right under the bump.)
Aruba did nothing but verify her opinion:
Taxi-driver from airport to hotel: "Girl-babies fight their mothers all the way, they make them really sick and fat all over. You must be carrying a boy."
Waitress at resort restaurant (after making me stand up): "It's a boy. It's pointy."
Divemaster for Steve's first night dive: "They say in Columbia that girl-babies steal their mothers' beauty. (Realizes she's treading VERY dangerous water.) SO you MUST be carrying a boy! (Big smile.)"
When we first found out I was pregnant, Steve and I both had the instinct that it was a girl; so far we have little folk-loric evidence to support the claim except that instinct. Since we have decided to keep the gender a surprise, only time will tell. We have our next ultrasound this Thursday; expect more photos soon!


  1. Unknown said...

    Everyone (including the midwife in the delivery room!) thought Sophie was going to be a girl. Don't count your penises before they hatch :)

  2. Unknown said...

    **thought Sophie was going to be a boy**

    Sorry - I got three hours of sleep last night!