Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Big AND small...and probably fuzzy

Everything on our last visit went well, with one oddity: I only gained 1lb over the last four weeks (I should have gained 4lbs) but my belly is measuring a centimeter ahead of schedule! (Interestingly, at this point the number of centimeters you're supposed to measure is exactly the same as the number of weeks you're along; so I should be measuring 32cm at 32 weeks, but was measuring 33cm.) I don't understand how I can eat this much and measure this big while still looking kind of small and not gaining much weight? But it's not a point of concern as far as the OB said, so I'm sticking with that.
Also strange trivia: while waiting to see the doc I read in a magazine that there is a correlation between moderate heart burn in pregnant moms and their babies having full heads of hair. Apparently the hormone that encourages one encourages the other too. Since I am experiencing moderate heart burn, our baby should be born looking nice and fuzzy.
I got my records to bring with me and have already scheduled all my appointments in Connecticut...so now it's just time to move!