Sunday, August 22, 2010

still at home

Hi there: I called the answering service and one of the midwives called me back. She told me that because I could talk through the contractions that told her I wasn't as far into labor as I'd thought, so she recommended I wait another hour, take a long shower, and walk it off. True to form, the contractions slowed, and I figured if I could I should try to get some sleep. So I've been sleeping (mostly) rather than at the hospital since last I posted.
The contractions that I'm getting now? I haven't been timing them but they are WAY more painful when they do come. I can see how eventually they are going to take my breath away to the point where I can't speak when they occur.
As for phone calls, don't expect them at any moment this morning as I'd previously implied. This is shaping up to be a very long day. But rest assured, you will be called when Acorn arrives, and like me, you'll have to be patient until then!