Saturday, May 29, 2010

28 week OB appt

Wednesday morning I went in for my penultimate OB appointment here in Denver. Everything is coming along fine. I'm measuring exactly where I'm supposed to, I'm not swelling or cramping, any contractions are blatantly related to exertion (by which I mean going for walks, which is ridiculous but what can I say) and dissipate with rest, the kid is consistently active, and I gained three pounds since last time. She said if I gain a pound a week for the next 12 weeks I'll be weighing in at the low end of perfectly normal with a total weight gain of 25 pounds; they set the range at 25-35.
The only thing I have left to hear about is the results of the gestational diabetes and anemia tests, which should happen early next week. I'm confident all is well and will update when I find out.
So far, so good.