Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Midwife #1

I am at 36 weeks and officially in my ninth month -- the birth could happen any time now and the baby would be just fine out in the world!
Had my weekly appointment today and met one of three midwives who might be at the delivery - she was very nice. More exciting was the fact that Steve was with me! He has safely arrived in Connecticut. The OB's office is right by the hospital they use for births (literally connected by a walkway) so we took a minute after the appointment to take a quick tour of the OB ward. It wasn't anything fancy but all the rooms are private so that's a plus; it will do just fine.
In other news, I am measuring exactly the same and weigh exactly the same for the third week in a row! I swear I'm going to start growing a 'bump' out my back!


  1. Katie said...

    I'm so so SO glad that Steve has arrived! :) (Although I'm sad that he's no longer here!) I can't believe that you're so close to baby time! We miss you two terribly and can't wait to hear of the arrival of baby Stelise! (That's Steve-Elise, for those unaware of our mad combining skillz.)